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Happy Friday ladies and gentlemen! Cheers 🥃
Has anyone else been drinking way more than normal?
Any books to recommend on mental strength?
Happy Friday ladies and gentlemen! Cheers 🥃
Please don’t do IVF, OP. Sounds like that child would be set up for a life of mistreatment by parents who consider them sub-human.
It’s really uplifting to hear all of the people who have had successful IVF. Guess the warning here is that the world is full of negative people like OP who will judge you for pursuing IVF so I’ll likely keep that information to myself in order to avoid rude and insensitive comments like hers that she can’t even be bothered to apologize for. Thanks to the others who are encouraging.
Yes, IVF is invasive but if you’ve exhausted all other routes and want to have a biological child it may be your best/ only option. As someone who is currently holding their beautiful IVF baby, I wouldn’t call a baby brought into this world via IVF an “artificial baby”. I don’t understand the moral issue you’re clearly struggling with, the doctors are simply making egg and sperm meet outside the body and then putting the fertilized embryo back into your body...there is no artificial manipulation going on. The moral issue could come in if you want to select gender and choose to have the embryos tested for genetic abnormalities and then selected the embryo based on gender. But, this is not the case for most families I know that have gone through IVF.
Totally agree! Holding my IVF baby and though his sleep cycle is like an alien, he doesn’t look artificial at all. Blood and bones look pretty human to me 😆😆😆
I would definitely do IVF given your conditions unless your open to adoption. But do agree with others, don’t do it if you would treat the child differently.
I’m 9 weeks with an IVF baby and I don’t look at it like that at all. His sperm, my egg, we just needed a little help having them find each other. We didn’t pick the gender or anything and did a fresh transfer (meaning they transferred after a couple days). Would totally recommend. It’s been a miracle for us.
Same boat, baker tilly! My baby is just over a month old and they are perfect!
Not sure if artificial babies are ethically correct…. What the heck does that mean??
I guess the question is how bad do you want a child of your own? If you consider IVF unethical, then adoption is an option if iui doesn’t work out for you.
I guess IVF is fine , will check on this. Just little scared since IUI was simple enough
Artificial Babies !! Your understanding of IVF is totally wrong
1) IVF is definitely not for the faint of heart. It is challenging physically and mentally.
2) there’s nothing artificial about the babies. You can’t look at 2 kids and tell which one came from IVF. They are genetically the same so I’m not sure what you mean by this?
If you process outside the body , it seems artificial. It might be just a mental block . There is no need to over react
Not overreacting - you are calling a population of people unethical for pursuing parenthood with their own genetic material, which is just cruel. Not everyone is fortunate enough to be born “normal”. I’m one of those and IVF is my only shot at having a family. Honestly your post should be reported as multiple people besides me found it offensive, and then you accused me of overreacting.
Artificial baby comment aside, I would think based on your described situation, IVF is your best bet to have a baby
Thanks will think over it
The 3 month old "artificial" IVF baby sleeping in my arms right now is absolutely perfect. My wife and I did not share our IVF (and multiple failed IUI) journey with many people. Ignorant opinions like yours are the reason why. I hope you educate yourself before taking any additional steps. Best of luck.
My God OP your lack of self awareness and empathy is terrifying.