Did not expect to find a bunch of Clarence Thomases in this bowl this past weekend.

Remember your roots. You’re a minority, and are privileged to be in this field. You are not divine, or a genius, you got lucky. Civil rights giants paved the way for you to step foot in law school. Respect them by lifting your community, and improving our quality of life.

There is plenty of space for all of us, and we are stronger together. Have some empathy for your kin and leave your bigotry at the door.

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Many folks commenting negatively are too young to have ever experienced a time when they didn't get privilege. Especially for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd gen immigrants, their parents and grandparents did all the fighting or they benefitted from the Immigration Act of '65 (that was in response to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to recruit more "docile" POCs into the US to fill diverse roles). However, the silver lining is, with the way the US is going, these folks are going to get a VERY rude awakening very soon on how money can't buy your way into real privilege--esp if you are a "visible" minority. Life is the greatest teacher...let it give its lessons while you focus on your own future.


Exactly. Most first generations empathize with the struggle, but the generations after that normally become jaded.

OR some first generations are already born into enormous privilege and look down on others for not being as fortunate.

If people here don’t understand this, they are part of the problem.


I haven’t seen the bigoted posts that inspired this one but I wouldn’t dismiss the work ethic and intelligence of attorneys of color who view the world differently than you. All people of color do not come from the same walk of life. All people of color are not Black. Life is not a binary. Yes, civil rights attorneys fought to integrate our society and that’s rippled out to the legal profession at some firms, but I’m certainly not where I am by the luck of the draw.


“You got lucky.” This is what white people tell minorities all the time. So who’s the real Clarence Thomas here? 🤔


no, no, no, sweet summer child. lucky because most of us do not have the means to leverage our privilege into places of power. only a few of us are given the chance. we are the lucky ones.


Agreed. I think people forget that if cases were decided based on Thomas’s ideology, we wouldn’t have even been given admission to law school. There are people still alive today that have rejection letters from universities letting them know that they cannot attend that university because they’re black. Those are the shoulders we are lucky to stand on. A “difference of opinion” here is a gross way to categorize views that barely acknowledge your humanity. Especially for POC to support the words of a man who was all too happy to assert his blackness when being called to task for being a creepy predator. Lol sad times.


Yeah someone in the comments mentioned that “all POC are not black” as if we don’t know that. As if the civil rights that ALL POC were granted wasn’t based on the activism of black and brown people. As if the Jim Crow signs didn’t say “whites only” or “for coloreds.” Yes, unfortunately we’re all in this together (at various and at times differing levels). All people of color benefit from the work that was done, work that is currently being unraveled and undermined by SCOTUS.




that’s okay. the rest of us are out here, lifting your dead weight. enjoy your summer!


Couldn't agree with you more. Thank you for this post. I respect this so much.


thank you for saying this! I’m only here to support my community! 💜

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