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Hi please help me out on this .
I joine pwc ac banglore last year 25th sept 2021 and i am planning to resign in next couple of weeks .i will be completing one year on 25th sept 2022. Will I get the bonus payout which will be payed in sept salary
I want to quit due to stretched working hours, insensitive behaviour or work culture plus they just gave me 5 percent hike besides being a top personal time
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I wish I worked in the PC era (pre-cell phone).
I'm still in bed.
I'm envious of those of you having office trysts.
Money is real. Titles are smoke up your ass. #materialconditions
My goal is lower title, more money. Can I demote myself and get a raise?
Upset about a bonus and a raise?
I’ve worked at Ogilvy. I understand your comment. Grass is always greener ...
Actual paper verses what’s on paper all day, everyday
Understand that you get billed in a certain way to clients and that titles are mostly relevant there.
If there isn’t a slot to fill or someone got it first that happens too. The fact that you got a bonus and a wage increase is awesome. Be thankful for that and check your cynicism. Sounds like your CD took care of you as much as they could given their situation.
Big picture: they like you. Things are good. So it’s possible they feel you’re not quite ready, or it’s something behind the scenes. Maybe they can’t afford it, there’s a shaky account, or not enough work on the horizon to justify a higher salary in the department. It could be lots of things. Seems like your boss likes you, and maybe even lobbied for you. If so, try and find out the real reason and frame it as wanting feedback for self-improvement, rather than “why didn’t it happen?"
Thanks everyone! And yes, mostly right and I DO think my CD likes me, but my 😞 is because this CD asked me to come to his team from another team. I asked for what I wanted in June 2018, was told I could get it during standard EOY reviews. That’s where I’m at. And yes, a bonus and small raise are nice. Money is nice! But my career plans are also not meaningless. And I DID complete my goals and go above and beyond all year, earning the shit out of that bonus. Y’all actually make me feel better, but there’s always more to a story. I’m going to stay positive and charge ahead. Put it all in writing
Ogilvy 1 and SVP Planner 1 are right: you got the better option here.
Damn, and here I am trying to figure a way to turn down the same title you want, but still take the money... funny how life works.
I feel the frustration (from account side, but still).
My work walked back this week from promoting me in March to reassess a promotion in March for a December promo. Apparently it’s my fault for misinterpreting that all along. It’s not that I’m annoyed about being an AE for a handful more months. It’s that the gaslighting. Using the fact that I like my job and I’m good at it to spin things and make me feel crazy. And it’s so disrespectful. If they’d just said December or bust from the get-go I definitely wouldn’t be polishing my resume quite as aggressively this week.
Promotions are political. It’s (most likely) not your CDs call. The raise and bonus are a sign you’re valued. So keep your chin up and get something in writing about revisiting your situation mid-year and not waiting a full year until the next promotion cycle.
Have they told you what you need to do to get to the next level?
flummoxed. fantastic word.
i’m going to find a way to say it everyday til march.
Don’t ruin it. As noted they like you.
Bail out. Make them blink and freak out.
Always always keep looking for your next job. If you’re at an agency, you are temporary. It’s the business model. There is no room for loyalty either. Keep your own career front and center as it is the only thing that you can control.
I’m in-house. Still think that applies? Ugh that makes me so sad