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Daily Reflections Recurring Post
January 18, 2021
By going back in our own drinking histories, we could show that years before we realized it we were out of control, that our drinking even then was no mere habit, that it was indeed the beginning of a fatal progression.
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I actually am grateful that I feel feelings now and am able to live in the present. 22 months sober, didn't get sober until age 55. I had no idea how miserable I made myself by avoiding feelings and thinking of ways to control/influence ppl/events in my life. I have a clarity and sense of serenity that eluded me for a long, long time. Doesn't mean life is easier or simpler, but I'm very grateful to have found this path before my entire life had passed me by.
Rising Star
My dog. My job. Lots of other stuff!
I'm grateful for a beautiful view for the weekend (at the beach), close family and friends who have stuck by my side, and feeling happy with my work right now. This is a great idea! It always makes me feel better to think of things I'm grateful for. :)
I'm just truly grateful for good people Life and sobriety