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Any decent turnip prices?
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Switched jobs in the pandemic too. It’s hard not meeting anyone in person but I’ve set up coffee cuts to get to know people one on one and that’s helped.
Lol that was a typo should say coffee chats 🙈
Once we’re back in the office I do hope to meet people in other departments and make friends, but my company isn’t going back to the office till Jan 1, so it feels like I’m in for a lonely year.
I started at a new place April 1. I don’t feel lonely because I love remote work and I am making an effort to reach out to any and all new people I can, in and outside the law department. I’m setting up virtual happy hours, coffee talks, and asking heads of groups in Legal and the within the Business for 15mins of their time. People tend to give you 10-15mins of their time instead of a full 30mins or hour, and I find those typically run long anyways once they get started talking about themselves and what they do. I’m in a large law dept. so there will be regular monthly meetings to meet everyone in the future so it’s a bit different for me. I’d suggest making the effort if others aren’t already. If you’re part of any affinity group, join that. If you’re big on pro bono, community service and your dept has that, join it. Join 1-2 things or groups outside of your specific area so that you can get to know people outside your group. Hope that helps. G’luck!
Luckily for me I'm usually not one to befriend coworkers. The big hurdle for me is that when I started my new job the pandemic had just started and I moved to a new city. I don't know a single person out here. It's tough, and I feel your pain OP.
Rising Star
We just had a thread on this, so seems like yes!
Totally agree. I’m in a very small legal department of 3 and let’s just say I’m the odd man out. I miss having buddies just down the hall. Lately I’ve reached out to old classmates that are in the same boat and we’re all getting through it together!