Do people in your office wear perfume / cologne?

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This one associate in our office wears a shit ton of axe everyday and it’s terrible. It smells like bad decisions, hangovers, and regret.


I honestly thought axe was for high school kids, because that’s what guys in my high school used.

I guess it’s use continues into adulthood?



Me? Haven’t in 20 years. Others? Yes.

I do but very very very very subtle

I wear Le Labo everyday. It makes me smell like a million bucks.

Because you spent a million bucks on it

Gucci guilty for men 👌👌

I wear Polo cologne

Yes coco chancel mademoiselle

To all those that wear cologne and perfume in the office - the rest of us have a headache

I do? 😂 although I have 0 interactions with people at the office and sit in a conference room all day long

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