I applied for a Director Learning and Development (L&D) role at McKinsey about a month ago via a referral. About a week ago, my McKinsey employee (who referred me) received an automated email saying that I had moved to the pre-screening process of the recruitment process and that I'll hear from the recruiter shortly.
It's more than a week now and I haven't heard back. Can anyone shed light on the process -- what to expect, timelines, what is the interview process like, etc.
Rising Star
100% depends on practice. We have done so a number of times.
I rarely can with mid/big law attorneys, but my team has done first year moves with family and civil lit this year. I usually tell attorneys to stick it out until your second year at least if you can. You'll have more options on the table.
It really depends on the candidate and the firm. How were your grades coming out of law school and law school rank? Those play a large factor in general, but especially when lateraling so early due to your low level of experience.
Rising Star
Rare as firms generally pay us for 3-6. But it happens occasionally. Right now I’m
Not working with any 2023s and only 2 2022s as not enough demand right now for juniors in BigLaw.
Sure. If you’re in a high demand practice and there are some clients open to that level, we do. Usually limited options for that junior.
I just got off the job market and I had about 8 recruiters reach out to me/try to work with me with only 6 months of post law school experience. If you have legal internships under your belt, it counts towards your job experience too and recruiters may aggregate all your internship/post JD experience when considering you for a position. It ultimately depends on the requirements of the roles they are recruiting for but when recruiters factor in your internship experiences, thy reach out even with 1 year of post law school experience or less.