I have 3 year experience working at Deloitte Consulting and want to move on to a Sales role and Career. I currently make $110K, is this feasible comp to make starting out in Sales?. How can I learn about comp in your industry?
Besides the comp question, are there any resources/forums/books online that anyone can recommend that’ll get me a good understand of what to expect out of a sales role, different sales roles, how to succeed, build career, etc. Im starting from 0
Thank you!
I was wrong. I just checked and she said she call me at 12:30est, but called me an hour later. I understand that people busy and at least she didn’t ghost me. I just have always had a rough time with internal recruiters at this particular org and I thought maybe it was just the culture of the workplace there. Also, I’m about to take a quick break from the job hunt to let my brain re-spool. It’s just so exhausting.
Yes! I’m a recruiter. Time zones are different so you need to keep up with that.
How would being in a different time zone create lead time? Not following your train of thought.
I agree, I think that's just poor communication on their part! I don't think there's much strategy there, but who knows? I could be wrong.
Why wouldn't they just be honest...
No shame in being busy
You do know that being in a different time zone doesn’t literally mean they’re living life in a different time than you, right?
So long as it's true. But I guess it should work both ways so ask them about the gap and letthem know the times you're available.