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I find liberals to be very intolerant of others’ contrasting viewpoints. It’s rather ironic given their propensity towards inclusiveness and diversity. I guess inclusiveness and diversity of thought isn’t allowed.
Depends on the reasoning behind those views. If, say, you have similar basic moral values but don’t quite agree on which party’s policies would be most successful at putting those values into action, I think it could work out. Like not seeing eye to eye on economic policy- that’s doable. But if it’s a disagreement over something more fundamental like LGBTQ rights, that’s a different story in my view.
If we disagree about tax policy, then no.
If you believe gay people are abominations, then yes.
Nope, rival football teams maybe
Yes and no, could date a republican but would be put off by a Trump supporter
Nope. My day doesn’t go around politics.
100%. My worldview shapes my political opinions. Plus I have 2 daughters so I can’t imagine my wife disagreeing with me. How confusing to them.
Having a unified front is vital to my daughters and even my marriage (which in turn helps my daughters).
Yes. To me, it means there is fundamental differences in our values & ethics. And that’s a big no go for me
I think it depends, but values are important to me because it's hard to really compromise on them. So many people focus on making sure they have similar interests and hobbies as their S/O. While this is great, it's also a bit easier to compromise on. If you're open minded, you can comprise on different tastes of music and TV shows, and find ways to fit both of your interests.
But it's a lot harder to compromise on values and beliefs and political views. For example if you have an unwanted pregnancy, you can't really compromise on your abortion stance. You either have that kid, or you don't. If you feel strongly about needing minimum wage increases, then how does it feel for your partner to say those workers don't deserve it and should simply get a better job if they need more money. And don't get me started on views regarding racism and BLM. It's pretty hard to agree to disagree on these things.
And even outside of politics, there are personal beliefs as well. How do you compromise your views on being a stay at home parent when your partner expects you to still work full time or vice versa? Or traveling a lot vs chilling at home all year. Not saying you need to agree on all of these things. But it's definitely really important to consider. And I'll see if I can find it, but I swear I read that people with similar values tend to last longer or have happier relationships than those who have similar interests
Yes. Opposing political views are an indicator that we don’t share the same values. There’s certain issues I look at as being so important that I refuse to compromise on them, so there’s no point in trying to force it with a person who is operating on an entirely different value/belief system than me
I view myself as a moderate or a centrist. I don’t think I could be with anyone who is on the extreme end of things, like a progressive or a trumper...
Where I'm originally from, I would absolutely not care if my SO had opposing political views. Our politics there are not that polarized. In the US, it's a completely different story. There are too many things which cannot be viewed objectively or discussed without being viewed through a political lens. For instance, a policeman killed someone the other day in my home country. He was roundly criticized by everyone as having done the wrong thing and was swiftly prosecuted. It was only a news story for like 2 days. Here, it's another whole ball game. There's a huge section of the country who would bend over backwards to insist the police officer was right to kill the unarmed civilian. Even when there is video evidence, they will say they want to first evaluate the whole life story of the victim. Given this ability of US politics and polarized news sources to completely dissociate people from rationality, I'm unable to date anyone with certain opposing political views.
We can disagree about certain things but need to be on the same page about morals and values. I wouldn’t be with someone who is homophobic or thinks that LGBTQ people shouldn’t have the same rights as me, for example. That’s a moral value to me and would be a deal breaker because it’s a view on how we see and treat people.
We can disagree on the specifics of tax policy and foreign policy. My husband and I are like this. We will talk about these topics at length. But our basic moral values are the same.
Of course not.