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What salary band is SM for FS consulting at PwC?
What is the salary for P2 band in techM.
What salary band is SM for FS consulting at PwC?
Lol no do not do this, split them out
Hi, In my resume I just mentioned mentioned the last role and in the bullet point I mentioned that I had received 2 promotions. What do I do now that I have been offered the role ?
Background checks will pick this up and you will be at risk of losing an offer out of vanity… as M1 said… don’t do this!
In my resume I mentioned the last role and in the bullet point I mentioned that I had received 2 promotions. What do I do now that I’ve been offered the role ?
Thanks both! Could I keep it as one section, then put the first bullet as ‘Promoted in October 2022 to Manager’? Have been on the same project and doing same project for a year, so thinking might look odd splitting all that across two. Thanks again.
Yes, you can… but remember that impacting CVs are made out of achievements and employers want to be able to see your progression… regardless of being in the same job you could potentially break down your activities and responsibilities in two different lines?
List one employer, two job titles under it, give each some words, Id personally put more impactful content next to the Manager role to increase the weight. never tamper with dates.
I personally would split them. Important to demonstrate my growth
Cheers all - much appreciated