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It’s my birthday! How should I treat myself?
Maybe don't look for next big thing. Look for a series of smaller things. Many of our "big" accomplishments only look so in hindsight. Instead they are the culmination of a series of smaller accomplishments.
That’s the thing… there isn’t anything. Maybe things like when can I get drunk 🍷
I don’t think the laugh reacts are necessary. I see this sentiment a lot in the veteran community and I would argue it’s one of the biggest contributing factors in the high veteran suicide rate.
But focusing on your case OP, I have felt this way and I try to focus on short-term objectives. When I was younger myself (I am now 31 for context), I always looked at large, empirical goals seven years away. Because my goals were so far away, I often lost sight of my path. But now that I focus on short-term objectives, I am able to realize my successes and live in the present.
It’s okay to have long-term ambitions—but have some meaningful short-term objectives as well.
That’s the problem. There isn’t any short term objectives left. I feel like I’m just passing the day and repeat the same cycle.
Wake up and focus on doing one thing that day that helps someone less fortunate than yourself.
I don’t think about life as being about achievement. Life is frequently boring. We’re here by accident. Your achievements turn to dust and so do everyone else’s. But you can make your own time and the time of others more beautiful and pleasant and kind.
Rising Star
Do you have/want children?
...and your kids aren't worth living for? I find so many posts on this app completely out of touch...if you have everything you want in life but still can't enjoy life or look forward to living each day, maybe search for some perspective
Rising Star
Late thirties to early 40s and a man? I've seen other guys turn to fitness and work on their bodies.
Rising Star
I’m 45. Married .. check. Big house … check. Three kids … check. Fancy car … check. Satisfying high paying career … check. Vacation home … check.
I feel ya. I need goals and I’m running out. Placing all my chips on a European vacation and after that will need to either start a new career or get a second family.
VP and OP: have you looked into charity work?
Make a wish foundation is always looking for wish granters:
It will get you some goals, something to look forward to, something you can do with your kids. :)
Yeah.... it's been getting at me a bit as well. Of course, I get distracted, and a lot of my goals really are just learning goals "certified in X" types of things.
I'm trying to learn a language to keep some energy going. Languages are big investments that can also really change your perspective/capacities.
Isn’t the point of achievement to eventually enjoy what we have achieved? Otherwise, why chase it?