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I know her, I feel incompetent too. She is really smart. :)
Seriously though, this is quite natural. In 11 years you’ll know a ton more too and have seen so much as well that you’ll have a lot more confidence too (or at least know how to hide better that you have no idea what you are doing).
If it makes you feel any better, I feel like that when I talk to the partners who have been doing this for 25 years. We are all learning all the time!
True that! Thank you for the perspective! You would think after 10-12 years you have seen it all, but definitely not in this job!
Just mean she’s made 11 years of mistakes and learned well from them. You can do the same :p
Thanks P1!
Yes, but we need to be conveying the knowledge down to you so you accelerate your path.
You'll get there in 10 years. Keep asking the questions! I do
Thanks all! I really try to remind myself that she has been doing it for 11 years and i will be there in 11 years too! I just want to absorb all her knowledge right now
I think it’s good that you are confident in her knowledge! Take the opportunity to learn as much from her as you can. Be a sponge (don’t ask questions needlessly for the sake of asking questions)... once you have some time to absorb certain things she’s doing or asking of you, then ask pertinent questions. Being a senior working with SM can be great because a lot of time managers or even new SM are not always fully confident in their roles and are also still trying to figure things out. Take advantage of this opportunity because I think a lot of us have had the opposite experience where the SM (manager, partner, etc) has no idea what’s going on or how to manage the project