How some people are clearing interview and then getting into a project even though they don't have any skills, no desire to learn new things, can't perform a very very simple task even though it's already documented clearly, totally burden on team members. They don't even try to do basic troubleshooting when they faced simple issues, rather asks stupid question to junior who is having only 1 years of experience and ask for solution.
I noticed this in every project I joined
Subject Expert
We’re lawyers. We’re all dumb and imposing costs on people who are actually making things. If we were intelligent we would be doctors or engineers, contributing the development of the world.
This! Somehow we managed to convince the entire world that all other professions need lawyers. We circulate horror story after horror story about how things went wrong without a lawyer, and everyone bought it. We’re like the mafia 😂😂 I love it and I hate it.
I mean, I’m a dumbass, but about half my colleagues seem like somewhat intelligent people.
Subject Expert
Yes and yes, but it’s not universal of course, there’s dumb and unpleasant people everywhere. Having worked in biglaw and other jobs, the average biglawyer has a level of intelligence, professionalism, work ethic etc that you don’t find in the average employee at an average company. The average biglawyer also has more depression, substance abuse problems, combination inferiority-superiority complex etc... it’s just a very particular environment of high-achieving prestige whores. I like it but it’s not for everyone.
One of the things I’m looking for is a space with people who I genuinely think are smart. I hope big law has that.
Yes. I was probably quick to judge early on and then I realize most mistakes are not made because people are not intelligent but because they are overworked and spread thin. I enjoy working with everyone who’s not an asshole. Honestly, most of those whom I hate have the opposite attitude.
I’m in big law and I’m an idiot sandwich...waiting for the day everyone finally catches on
Yes, absolutely. The people on my in-house legal team are all super smart people who worked in BigLaw for years. It’s a pleasure to work with them. The internal clients are typically engineers and really smart, too. It makes a huge difference.
Everyone? No. Many are, but there are many with average intelligence but superior work ethics who get to where they are by grinding. And as you will find out, that skill set is generally superior to superior raw intelligence but average work ethic when it comes to biglaw (where your primary measure is hours worked).