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Hi Fishes,
I have 5 Yrs and 10 months of experience in Fullstack .NET application development. Looking for a suitable opportunity.
Skillset: C#, ASP .NET MVC, ASP.NET, .NET CORE, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, RESTful APIs, Web services, Entity Framework, Sql Server.
Plz suggest if there are any openings.
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I leave most of my rachet self at home 🤣 I also hide all my tattoos. I don’t think anything would happen if I was completely myself at work because I’m just so damn good at my job what are they gonna say???
Rising Star
i feel the most myself, when i dress to fit my personality, and use stationary/tech that I like.
the biggest difference is that I filter myself, and present as more "calm" and "composed" than normal. sometimes that's exhausting, but in a majority white practice group and field, i'm aware that stereotypes can be perceived very quickly, if i don't edit myself.
around close mentors and close friends in my field, i do not filter myself.
I leave my sass home but will be myself in one on one encounters if I test and feel comfortable with my colleague.
No, I hate being the only Asian here. I can’t even do the normal things a white man or woman would do, so being “myself” is a big no.
Come to think of it though, there’s def a certain personality of person who cannot mesh with me, and it goes both ways. The authority type people who believe hierarchy trumps everything else. Thank god, I have a boss who can admit when she is wrong and is willing to consider my opinion on things.
Once, she was wrong, and I said as much - firmly. Upon reflection, I thought maybe I was out of bound so I went to her office to apologize for my tone. She said “why should you say sorry? You were right and I was wrong. Nothing to apologize for!”
I leave my ability to be vulnerable. I am unable to let my guard down and present a softer version of myself. In a white, male dominated field, I have to assert myself and show some dominance to avoid being overlooked or ignored. It’s exhausting that I can’t show up like my white female counterparts.
In this profession, absolutely not. I feel like it's all about appearances and show. Was slightly different when I worked in nonprofit.
I'm pretty sensitive and empathetic in real life so I have to leave that at home so I can properly make decisions and be logical. I have to make like a rock at work.
Nope. I feel the need to be the most smart and most hardworking person at work. But honestly, I just want to lay in bed all day most of the time.
Not a hundred percent. I am fortunate to be surrounded by my brilliant colleagues but I also maintain a professional attitude in the office. Familiarity breeds contempt so I don't make myself too comfortable at work.
I have a Gemini moon. So there is a version of me for every situation I’m in and they are all slightly different and all the REAL me. So no work me is different from me with my daughter. Me with one friend is different from me with a different friend that has a different vibe and me with my family is different from all of that. They are all still me and I don’t feel like an imposter or phony. Also I don’t too often cross streams either.
I bring elements of my personal self to work. But also work is work—they’re not family. I like to separate the two and I do that by drawing certain boundaries. When I’m off work and around family I can let loose. At work I have no problem being a bit more PC, reserved, generally agreeable (for a lawyer). I don’t need to be my family self around work folks. But I’m enough of myself for them to know what kinds of things in my personal life may impact my work (ie, things about my spouse, schedules of my kids, places I go on vacation). I don’t want to be an enigma at work but I’m also not some completely open book.