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Only the cool ones. Most of my coworkers are boring
RT this so hard
No, and I don’t allow them to follow me - boundaries. I will follow them once they’ve left the firm.
I love my coworkers and we get along great. They just don’t need to see me in swimwear at the beach, etc. There are certain parts of my life my coworkers don’t need to have insight into.
No way. Too much drama. That said, I’ll always add a chill former coworker after they’ve left for industry.
I follow almost all my team members up to managing director - it’s only weird if you make it weird
Only coworkers that I actually hang out with outside of work
It’s all fun and games until #thirsttrapthursday
A few, but only people around my level.
I only accept my level and below on IG
Yes but then I blocked them so they can’t see my stories
Haha me too!
I didn’t used to, but now I do follow a select few.
I follow peers, and accept invitations from all levels
If they followed me first I would accept but I would feel weird following them. Even in LinkedIn I only have the people I met through trainings no one on my team
No. I’m friends with a couple of them on Facebook, but I don’t post much there.
Yeah. It makes me feel happier seeing some of their photos and knowing I'm not the only one breaking the Rona rules
Weird flex but ok....