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This is isn't exactly a meme but I still like it.
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Are all rumours about meta true?
More companies should be like this
Anyone work at Safeguard Global? Thoughts?
New to Fishbowl?
unlock all discussions on Fishbowl.
It's probably not worth the little bit they give you. We already give up too much privacy as it is.
If anything, Brave respects privacy more than other browsers. If you value privacy, I would really recommend looking more into it. I use Brave and allow them to show me a few ads every hour (small pop up windows in the corner of my screen). I don't make a massive amount but just from the ads and the browsing I do I net about 5BAT every month. It's nice passive earning and the privacy controls are great.
This is the first I am hearing about it.....tell me more.
Beats Chrome by far
I love it, it's very fast and I love how my crypto wallets are integrated into it
I haven't heard of this! intrigued - anyone else trying it?