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This is break #1: having coffee and browsing fb.
1-hour gym session
I take a break every 5 minutes for about a minute aimlessly checking my phone for notifications, then falling into a rabbit hole on insta stories before being brought back to my screen by a growing pit of unease and dread in my belly about the work I should actually be doing. Rinse and repeat.......
Rising Star
Rising Star
This is the way
Rising Star
All the time
As much as I can - every hour I take a 5-10 min walk. Lunch too, I try to move or go for a run. Pandemic was rough for movement, so I have to find ways to get that in.
I play video games from 12 - 12:30 while I eat lunch. If I'm out of town I'll take a walk then.
Clean my kitchen, run to grocery store (rarely), make appointments.
Self-love twice a day. Many coffee and cigarette breaks. I’m a model employee.