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New York masala.... great movie!

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Thoughts on possible LA?
Happy Friday :)
New York masala.... great movie!
OP - can relations be normalized? Yes. Will they be normalized? Probably not, because it would be a huge political defeat for hawks on both sides of the border, and who will the hawks blame for the ills of their nations? Plus, if the border tensions are allowed to be reduced, how will the military justify its employment agency and billions in expenditure? The argument about Kashmir etc is hogwash, as it serves the hawks to always have contentious relationships. Neither country needs the tension but what happens to the movie when the enemy becomes your friend? I’m not suggesting that both nations will become best buds, but they can at least live in reasonable normalcy. I fear the current Modi govt will not do so as it needs an enemy to rile it’s vote bank!
Rising Star
Soldiers is an honourable profession? Maybe it used to be.
It seems these days they’re just poor boys that do politicians dirty work for them.
Wow... some of the Indians on this post are truly hard core hawks. Let’s call a spade a spade. India continues to fund and fight proxy battles in Pakistan and cries bloody murder when Pakistan responds with the same. India has an amazing PR machine and a diehard army of keyboard warriors who promote the Indian narrative all over the world. India also needs to look at its plethora of internal issues, but it’s a whole lot easier to divert its public’s attention to bad Pakistan or China. The oldest trick in the book! The above comments are exactly why peace doesn’t progress as many in India (and Pakistan) love to play the blame game and make no progress. I’m also very dismayed that the above is from a seemingly educated class who lives (presumably) in the US, yet is still stuck in fighting petty battles as keyboard ninjas yet didn’t have the patriotism to sign up and fight the good fight as officers or soldiers in the military. The irony is that when you speak to any military person, they are usually a lot more level headed and talk about trust building and peace. It is sadly the darn coward public hawks who have and will continue to fan hatred and sadly more wars!
EY4 is not wrong. @OP, Imagine your next door neighbor tries to sneak into your house to attack you, or tries to push their fence further to capture your land, how would you feel? Please share an instance where India has tried to attack Pakistan and tried to capture their land or sent terrorists to the country to attack citizens? How do you resolve such a situation till your neighbor does not stop what they are doing? Would you let your neighbor just walk all over you just so there is peace? What stops them from pushing further into your land?
Surprised VP hasn’t shown up within the first hour of a post that has great potential for hatred
Shout out to Pakistani women - y’all fine as hell
Rising Star
Forbidden fruit tastes the sweetest.
Coronavirus ne bund maar rakhi hai dono ki and you are preoccupied with India Pak relations?!? What are we in 1999 or something?
You sir are a realist. Thank you!
Conversation Starter
am indian and have Pakistani friends. Literally there is no difference in cultures. Since Pak was carved out of northwest india , we have most of things common. Few religious and regional things may introduce some differences. Except Pakistani ISI ( not even whole army) i really doubt any average Pakistani really hate India. May be in 10-20 yrs religious extremism will go down and future generations will don't give fk abt fighting. Hope that day come soon.
It all starts with us ... all of us. If we are able to have good relationships with everyone else (Pakistan or otherwise) without any hostility or divisions between us - be it gender, nation, race, caste, color or anything else - then we‘ll have it - Peace!! Glorious peace!!!
And yes - call me optimistic, we can have it in our lifetime!
There is only one aggressor.. you don’t see India spilling over their border and committing acts of violence do you (and please don’t use the recent Air Force captain as a lame example)? So one is defending and the other is attacking.. let’s be clear that a solution can only be implemented where the problem lies
Yes, it is very possible. It’s pretty much the same culture. Pakistani’s are all about Bollywood. Bollywood will unite!
Better question is if China and the rest of the world can have good relations going forward
I see few posts here of people who are assuming that the people who are having heated discussions are against peace between the countries. I see a post trying to prove that educated people cannot have heated discussions.This is a very wrong thought. They are voicing the concerns that prevent peace from happening. You cannot let yourself be run over by another country to have peace! I very much wish we weren’t in this situation in first place or that both countries are more accommodative. But till you clear the issues, there cannot be peace. And to clear the issues, you need to discuss. You can’t just smoke them away!
Conversation Starter
What was Pakistan. That's what kids in India will ask in 2030.
I took a screenshot of this. Will wait and see, and repost if this app exists. 😘
I am Indian M and really want to date a Pak F and then see if it works
I have dated and loved madly cross border. It changes your perceptions of everything.
Rising Star
I wish people could look past the politics and actually speak to Pakistanis. They’ll find that we have a lot more in common than different. It worked for me
I’m half Indian and half Pakistani -Im feeling the tension..internally 😆
Not in the next 50 years unless there is a war
No. China will not let that happen. Not good for it's own position.
Dono desk me jab tak Neta hao.. log aise hi chutiya bante rahenge... inspired by GoW
The heated responses to your post should give you an indication to the odds. And geez these are educated people....