Do you think it matters if you and your SO’s friends are similar? My boyfriend and my backgrounds are very different and while we are fine with each other’s friends, I would never mesh our friend groups. A part of me always get envious of couples who are able to expand their friend groups and do fun things together

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I think it’s normal! In my case, my SO and I have pretty separate friend groups, and we usually hang out with either one or the other (vs. blending them together) on a given night

That said, 3 of my SO’s friends live in an apartment together and love to host dinners, game nights, etc. When it’s a bigger gathering, I might invite 2-3 friends from my circle who are open to meeting new people. It’s not led to an established new friend group or anything, but everyone always has a good time


In my case we each have our own and then a shared friend group too and it is really nice. I personally think it’s ok to not mesh the groups as long as you both feel comfortable hanging out w your SO and their friends and aren’t just a +1.

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