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i think business schools will receive a ton of new apps. much higher than usual. however, i also think that after years of losing applicants, they will be eager to make $$$ and will admit larger class sizes. due to the sheer number of applicants, i think it will be a bit more competitive, but i also think people aren’t taking into consideration that the class sizes will also likely increase
MBA classes are typically 30ish% international. Very likely there will be far fewer international applicants this year given the questions about global travel, visas, etc.
I think there are 2 major things to think about here:
1. Students who deferred to next year - I don't know about M7, but out of 500 students in INSEAD, around 150 deferred to next intakes - so you can consider these spots are already taken which is about 1/3 of the typical class. (INSEAD has 2 intakes though)
2. People that want to wait out the pandemic-related economic downturn doing a MBA - heard some US schools did not allow deferrals, so those might be a bit easier, but there is also a general desire from people to wait out the current situation in a busines school, so some people who have not considered it before, are likely consisting this as an option now, hence more applicants.
Have to consider people kicking it another year because of an uncertain 2021 entry.
Some people may be deterred from applying because of the claim of a highly competitive application cycle.
Some people may have trouble getting testing dates and not have the score they’re happy with, so kick it until testing is more available.
Some people may have added stress from WFH/quarantine and lack motivation to study/prep apps.
Laid off people may be focused on finding a job instead of apps.
C2... drinking the kool-aid much? layoffs in consulting firms haven’t been “performance related.” you think way more people at the SA/SC/C/A levels just happened to suck at their jobs this year? i don’t think so. (and if that even were true, what would it say about it the companies hiring processes?)
based on a convo on here with a bcg partner, for instance, they did what most of us would consider layoffs. they have an attrition target that’s comprised of voluntary and involuntary attrition. obviously voluntary attrition this year was almost nonexistent, so they raised involuntary attrition. in other words, layoffs. call it performance related if you want, but unless you’re cutting an entire business line, isn’t pretty much any layoff performance related?
add on top of that the firms like D and ACN that are openly or have openly laid people off and you get a lot of people who would otherwise be working that suddenly find themselves with free time to study for the GMAT and apply to bschool. i think someone who used to work at a consulting firm and suddenly finds themselves out of work is exactly the type of applicant that would seek out bschool.
Subject Expert
I think R1 will be slightly more competitive but not as much as broadcasted.
I think R2/R3, especially if vaccine progresses well, will be extremely competitive.
^this. Class sizes are also increasing. I googled around and most schools are admitting the largest class sizes in recent memory. Not enough to offset the applicant increase but enough to where it’s not as bad as you think
Haha maryland is my alma mater, but not even close to top 25 for sure, they’re getting better though. Vandy is top 25 and tech is just outside it. I would expect/hope they scrap the gmat/gre. I just took it a month ago after studying for a few months and tbh the exam doesn’t prove anything. Anyone who has significant funds at their disposal could learn all the strategies needed to do well on that test
Thanks for your answers. I think consultants mostly compete with other consultants and the number from this pool should be steady, so I don’t expect too much difference, but maybe it is wishful thinking. On a side note, in my office sponsored ppl could not defer sponsorship, so there is no backlog hopefully