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Shooting your shots during this plague be like
Based Doug Jones
Anyone living in Chicago??
So... unicorns > chiefs
Whats your take on this?
How to profit????????????????????
No, the purpose of this lockdown to control the curve. It make sense to open up once curve is flatten. This lockdown time should be utilized to make arrangements that we didn’t have, like ventilators, extra beds, etc.
Rising Star
It’s important to point out in the history of mankind we have NEVER been able to create a vaccine for a corona virus. Not for SARS not MERS, not for COVID 19, not a single one.
It’s irresponsible for us to assume we will find one. We very well may not. And antibodies do not ensure immunity. one can still become ill and have antibodies. Nor does it suggest one cannot be reinfected and fall ill again, even if they’ve previously recovered.
If you’re interested in seeing what the road looks like ahead read about SARS vaccine trials.
This. We are better off looking for effective treatments and ramping up production of testing/PPE/etc. so we can take more of an isolate-and-quarantine approach like they did in South Korea.
Drug discovery takes years and is difficult - the “year to 18 months” timeline that politicians have been citing has always been optimistic. Antibody tests are unreliable to date and do not suggest immunity, so any data from those is directional at best.
Widespread PCR testing is the one thing with a visible timeline to help us get out of this ASAP.
Yes. And probably for a couple decades afterwards just to be safe.
Rising Star
Lol no
Yes at least for the WFH part
Shelter in place with all but the most essential businesses locked down.
I would...or at least, I’m definitely not traveling anywhere anytime soon.
Rising Star
Yeah, the economy can go f itself, who needs jobs and money, we can just all loot and rob for a living.
Conversation Starter
Locked down? No. Restrictions and remaining distant? Yes.
All is well here in GA. Once people see it’s no big deal to open up, everybody will do it.
Rising Star
No. Even the public health experts aren't saying that
I don’t. And I don’t hear many people saying that. Testing, similar to South Korea, would be the goal. And scientifically (as well as politically) would be the thing that would calm people and get us back into stores, restaurants, etc.
Locked down meaning “shelter in place” orders active with all but the most essential businesses and services (food/ medicine/ medical) closer.
Is this even a possibility? It'll take at least 18 months in the best case scenario for a vaccine to go through trials and be ready
Rising Star
Absolutely not. That might be years. But I think if an individual is able to work from home, they should continue to do so just to lessen the impact of spreading things as businesses begin to open back up.
I disagree with most of the NOs here. We have already seen enough of people saying to flatten the curve but rather contributing to it. It would be more logical to curb large scale traveling for some time ahead.
M2: Well if you read the context added to most of NOs, I disagree with that! Hope this time its clear.
Of course not