Does anyone else ever feel like their parents lean too heavily on them for financial support? Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love them and I’m so thankful. It just seems like the older they get, the less shy they are about asking for things and I’m hitting a point where I’m going to have to start saying no.

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My parents never ask me for money, but if they did, I'd gladly give them whatever they needed in a heartbeat. The way I look at it, they supported me all those years, the least I can do is help them in their time of need.


I would take into consideration whether they ACTUALLY need money or if its for pleasure. I would need more context. Are they themselves being financially responsible with their money? Is it a large sum monthly being requested?


It's all relative. How much are they asking for on avg per month?

I honestly had to cut them off. I love them and want to help but it was getting to be too much. My siblings are the same way. I get so irritated that it feels like everyone is taking advantage of me.

I couldn't imagine, having my parents AND my siblings relying on me. Hang in there!

Yes, I've dealt with the stress of it through my entire teenage years and into adulthood. I love my parents so much and want to help as much as possible, because they genuinely need help, but sometimes it bogs me down.

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