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Anecdotally, I’m sure these strange creatures are out there. I know from the stats that my county votes mostly blue but there is a sizeable bloc of wealthy conservatives. In 2016 I saw several Trump signs. Now, not one. Not a single one.
Does that mean that no one here is voting for him? I am not naive enough to think so. More likely, they plan to vote for him again, but this time have they decided not to advertise.
Of course he could win, that’s always a risk. Which is why we have to go out and fucking VOTE.
Very low energy of them if they're hiding
Conversation Starter
If you’re not virtue signaling every day are you even politically active?
Rising Star
People won’t discuss or tell what they like, afraid of being fired or backfired at work place. That’s a very sad reality, but yes, the suppression and the condescending judgement came from media, drive more and more people vote for Trump.
No. I think there is a loud minority, an even smaller number of closeted trumpsters.
Estimates show about 30% of people- which is a lot of people and incredibly sad- support him. Trump doesn’t have a chance if people actually come out and vote. He will lose if large numbers of Americans vote - he knows this, hence the voter fraud disinformation campaign trump is propagating.
Conversation Starter
You’re 100% right. There’s millions of us but thanks to cancel culture you only hear from a few who don’t really give a crap or have so much crap on them already a little Trump Association wouldn’t hurt. Cancel culture was one of the best deployed tactics in the current culture war, but conservatives are letting it run its course as it’ll soon backfire when the next generation (already happening) gets to voting age.
So why bother? Why not, I dunno, vote him out of office?
I think the embarassing debate, corona diagnosis, and absence of rallies work against Trump.
But who knows~ 2020 is the mother of all unexpected shitstorms. Next week, Orange Man Bad might turn into the Orange Mango Messiah and resurrect from the wrath of Rona, boasting how strong we are "together," winning sympathy + a perception of resilience. He'd probably be immune if he recovers.
A month is a long time in 2020.
Rising Star
I’m nervous about a handful of people in a small number of states deciding the fate of our country.
The only way for MAGA to win is through voter suppression like their tactics in Texas approved by a regime with dictatorial aspirations
Trump is good for my portfolio.....he has my vote.... all the other nonsense is irrelevant
Rising Star
Are you 3 years old? Wtf do you mean you weren’t alive during other presidential terms?
And let’s suppose for a second that you are a 3 year old. History didn’t start the day you bought into your first index fund.
Rising Star
Yes and no.
Yes because every incumbent has a shot of winning.
No because he’s POTUS essentially due to the fact that 171k more people vote for him rather than HRC, across four key electoral states: Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, and Pennsylvania. I think Biden will fair better with the non-college white male than HRC, so I see Biden winning the electoral college vote and the (symbolic) popular vote - in these same four states and nationally.
Rising Star
Yes. I think there’s a non-trivial chance Trump will win. He tells people what they want to hear and they like that.
Rising Star
There’s alot of crazies and uneducated out there so yeah. But I truly know that the majority do not support him. We just have to vote. Every single one of us.
I am so nervous. I can’t trust these polls. It is all so disconcerting.
Why wouldn't they poll?
Conversation Starter
A lot of them think that the government is a front for a cabal of Satan worshiping pedophiles... probably afraid they are going to come drink their blood or whatever
Yep. There’s still a chance.