Does anyone have any advice about dealing with a gaslighting partner who is my direct superior? Have tried talking to the partner as a way to be on the same page but to no avail.

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If you can, get away from them. Ask to be staffed on deals with other partners and do a great job/let them know you’d like to work together again. The easiest way to avoid bad partners is to be busy with good ones.




Agreed with Associate 1. And if your office or practice group is too small to get away from them, a lateral move may be needed to find somewhere with a better “culture.”


I had the same issue. I gave it a 10 months before I looked for other jobs. It took 4 more months to find a new job. My point is start looking sooner rather than later. Staying in a toxic place will mess you up mentally.


If you’re stuck where you are, put everything in writing. If they come into your office and yell three new assignments at you, find a way to memorialize that in an email ASAP. You could do it directly (“This email is to confirm that you have assigned me a, b, c due_____”) Or you be more subtle (“Do you have any cases with interrogatory objections exemplars I can look at for the ___ case? Can I get the client’s contact so I can have the discovery verifications ready before they’re due next week Friday?” or “I am working on the memo found this great case for the research you assigned me. Since it is such a spot on case, I wanted you to send you a copy for your reference. As discussed, I will send you the completed memo on Wednesday.”


I’m in this situation right now. Just reading this thread is giving me hope that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.


Write down all your assignments and case captions, that way you can get your conflict check done quickly when you have accepted the new job


People who gaslight are insecure and there’s no fixing that. You have to get out and the sooner the better.


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