Does anyone have any ovulation trackers they recommend for PCOS? Curious to hear experiences with basal temp checks for ovulation, apps, etc. that people have used and found easy and successful.

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Mira !!! Pricey but gives digital numeric feedback. Helps you see what’s going on in your cycle. I recommended to a coworker who was TTC for three years and now has a BFP after 6 months of use. She finally figured out her cycle and her ovulation dates and she was also to see which cycles were an-ovulary. So the one month she has great estrogen and a great LH numbers she timed intercourse her bean stuck!! Also recommend yo-sperm as well to home test male side as well.

Oh I’ve never heard of this but will check it out!!! Thank you!!

I love Inito. All one strip (measures e3g, pdg, LH, and FSH) and FMU-based. Best support group for women who are TTC as well.

It would be great if the suggestions by the others above work. Just here to offer you my personal experience. I found that BBT and even ovulation tracking was not super effective. If you are not already under the care of an RE, please see one!
As a woman with PCOS, my BBT over the last few months has no real pattern. And ovulation strips would track several potential ovulation times vs just one. Saw my RE two days ago and he said there’s no real way to know I’m ovulating without transvaginal ultrasound. So yeah..sorry.

I used clomid and it worked well. I actually got pregnant with my first IUI in 2020, with clomid, ultrasound monitoring, and a trigger shot.
I’m about to start the process again this month.

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