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Hi everyone, I have a query related to CTC break-up offered for SDE 2 role at companies like Amazon, Paypal, etc. I can see on internet that it's upto 35 to 40 LPA. But I want to know what's the fixed, variable and share part in this CTC to get an idea of in-hand salary.
Overall idea to get a clue on how much fixed CTC should a SDE 2 get in a product based company.
This could be helpful in general for anyone applying in any company for a position like SDE 2, to get competitive in hand salary.
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And here is a status report for this week.

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Well this is new and fun.

The week before my period. Every month.
Same here. Dr explained to me that the changes in hormones at that point in the cycle make it all but impossible for our bodies to utilize the medication. So frustrating.
If your brain is too depleted to produce the necessary neurotransmitters the stims are probably just firing blanks aimlessly into the void
Yes. Usually when I'm tired or overly stressed. Its OK. Happens to us all. Just take it easy on yourself today and get a good night's sleep.
Meds can’t treat burnout. When’s the last time you took some time off?
Rising Star
Yep. I work for myself. So, I take care of time sensitive to dos and then work on administrative stuff or other easy things that take little effort. If I’m really spinning my wheels and won’t be able to accomplish anything anyway, then I step aside and take a break so I can recharge.
I never slack on my meds and I still get moments where I can't get my brain to function properly. Most of the time it's just my body sending signals that I need to take it easy. Maybe you just need a break?
Yes. I have bad brain days where I’m useless. It sucks. But I just embrace it and cut out early on those days because I don’t care. I cannot force my brain on those days, so why waste the time trying?
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I’ve experienced that, but I’m in my trial phase and the meds worked amazingly for 4 days and since day 5 I reel like I’ve regressed and it’s been less effective. It’s also Friday so cut yourself some slack!
These days are fewer and far between. They had to up my dose a couple times and then I was fine. I would talk to your doctor about it.
Not often anymore but every now and again I experience this.