Does anyone have experience with non-stimulant medication? I’ve had bad anxiety from Adderall in the past and I don’t know what to ask for when I see my doc.

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I’m on strattera. Much more subtle and took a while to realize it was working but now I’m so happy!


What were your side effects on Straterra. And how did you measure it was working. Just started taking it this week not sure what to expect.

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Welcome to this new bowl. Fishbowl is an intriguing and promising app, but it was missing a hub for D&A professionals. Please share with your contacts. The more diversity we have in this group, the better.


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Additional Posts in ADHD Consultants

Any good audiobook recommendations for motivation and tips on productivity?


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Recommendations for medicine for sleep


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Many of you seem to know a lot more about managing your ADHD than I do, even though I am probably older. What recommendations do you have to learn more? Thank you


Any thoughts on meditation? Has it helped you?


Can my physician prescribe me extended release for daily use and immediate release to take as needed. Has anybody ever had that?


I take notes all day long in meetings for myself. Key thoughts, follow ups...

They're completely useless at jogging my memory. And when I remember to look, miracle, nothing pops out.

Any tips?


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Anyone else prefer short acting meds? Which ones? The long acting stuff just strings me out for a long time rather than creating long periods of focus.


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Did a teladoc consultation today and got confirmed for ADHD. Was asked to go on medication given nature of job. Was told side effects are negligible after 30 years of age. Thoughts?


Need real-life tips on managing executive function. I got recently promoted to Dir and have been tasked setting up a new capability area. I am getting lost. I don’t think I am giving enough direction to my team as well so it is not moving anywhere and I am always scrambling before the executive checkpoint meeting. What has worked for you for high visibility tasks like these that need planning, strategic thinking and organizing but the task itself is UNDEFINED/ vague.


ADD/ADHD mommy 🐠: my husband and I are planning to start trying next year. My prescription is light (10mg XR/day) but I really have a hard time without it. I’m so nervous about not being able... (Ctd)


Has anyone tried Done or Ahead online subscription for ADD medication? I’m getting to the point where I need to start and it’s becoming too much but wasn’t sure where to start


How can I get diagnosed in the uk ? I hear there is a very long waiting list. Also I believe private medical does not usually cover it ? ( I have Aviva)


When I was diagnosed, I struggled to find any info out there on adults and workplace etc. Thinking of setting up just a blog space for people’s stories, anonymously. If anyone’s happy to tell their story or an experience that might be useful lmk. Happy to provide a framework of questions so you don’t have to write a think piece... could be how it impacts work, advances your work, learnings from medication, learnings from stress, how you tell people, etc - anything that could help others!


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