Does anyone sometimes just kind of feel lonely even when you're busy with work and other things? Not sure if this is Covid blues or what.

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All the time, especially that I live by myself. So, I FaceTime my best friend, and we both do our work while we are on the call. We don’t necessarily talk to each other, but having her on the FaceTime makes me feel there is someone around which helps to not feel lonely.


That’s a really nice idea! I think I should start doing this.


Yes. This has been HUGE during covid and so many people are in the same boat as you. FaceTime, zoom, phone calls during walks, and if you can afford it - therapy is an amazing resource.


If allowed in your area, walks and hikes with friends.


Yes!!!! Even though I live with 4 other people. Covid is really really tough!! Best wishes to you


I’ve been doing virtual walks with friends. They’re lonely too.


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