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I have completed Full Stack Development course in guvi with MERN Technology . I Have developed 4 Full Stack Projects and Completed more than 70 task using HTML5 | CSS | Javascript | React | Redux | NodeJs | Express | MongoDB | SQL | MERN Stack Developer | placed in my Github @Looking to start a career as an entry-level software engineer.
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Where are all of the folks working to help solve arguably the greatest challenge our generation?! Energy bowl is dead, anyone willing to share their roles and how they‘re supporting the energy transition? Hoping this can help lead others to promising and meaningful career paths in energy (and also hope this post won’t be a total dud). Thanks EY Deloitte Accenture PwC McKinsey & Company Boston Consulting Group Bain & Company ICF KPMG Guidehouse
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Think a lot of people feel this. Honestly, you can make a good living in cybersecurity depending what avenue and company you chase
I would look for companies and projects that have a positive impact. Then, no matter what skill you are using, you're bringing something positive to the world.
Thank you! A position was dangled in my face where I'd be a part of a team that's integrating a bunch of different databases so that when there's another outbreak/panny, we can just use this one system instead of a bunch of different departments getting on the phone with each other. That was right up my alley, but I didn't get it. But that's okay. Plenty of fish in the sea! :)
There are plenty of opportunities for you! You might have to try out a few different roles, but you'll find one that's a good fit
Like others said, look for a company with a mission that appeals to you. But also, consider doing a job that you like well enough and pays the bills and then find opportunities outside work that will satisfy you in other ways. There are loads of charities where you could donate your time or talent.
I feel similarly as well - I like my current job, but I'm also working on side projects unrelated and it's a nice way to test my skills, learn something new etc without feeling like I have to professionally developing in a certain way at all times if it makes sense. Find a job that gives you time to explore other stuff!
I felt that way at first. Eventually made my way into Sales because I like being in tech but also like interaction with customers. Now, am thinking of transitioning into Customer Success or Marketing, maybe even UX Research because I find it fascinating. Who knows where I'll end up