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Finally heading home 😭
Where can I get surgical mask in Seattle?
What is the average annual hike at Wells Fargo?
Finally heading home 😭
Not alone at all. You're fine bud. Keep your chin up.
Finding out there's a group text with literally all of the associates in your office that you had no idea about where you've been brought up and made fun of is a fantastic way to end a work week..
Consultant 1.. if you could get a majority of them in a room..and do a PowerPoint presentation with screenshots from the group text.. watching their mortified faces will be all the sweet revenge you need. At the end, tell them you are more than happy to be their topic of discussion if that's all the fun they have in their life. And smile!
I'm what most people consider a social butterfly, yet still feel like an outsider most days..
Welcome to the socially awkward club! You are not alone
Yeah me
Yes, me. I’m quite popular but definitely feel like an outsider who doesn’t fit in.
You're not alone. Things get better over time. The hard part was being in the present. When you accept the anxiety at that moment, that's where you grow from it and next time won't feel as bad.
Focus your energy on things you can control and forget everything else. So how are you supposed to do that when you can’t control your emotions? Easy. Focus on your passion. Your passion is anything you would do if you didn’t have to work. I’ve learned that by doing this your confidence will skyrocket because you are focusing on what you want to do. This focus carries into the work place. If this doesn’t work think about this. Your body interprets anxiety and excitement the same way we just call it different things...shortness of breath...muscles getting tight...extremely focused on fear of what’s in front of you. Trick your brain by telling yourself you’re “excited” instead of “anxious” or “nervous”. (The 5 second Rule by Mel Robbins). One thing to always remember everyone has their own life problems they are worrying about. It’s pointless wasting your valuable energy on people who could careless about you, so don’t.
In my current group, yes. Complete outsider.
Yes, always. You’re not alone!
I feel that way and it's often exhausting. Try not to spin on it too are not alone at.all!
That's rough @C1. People can be brutal. How'd you find out?
It means you don't belong here, time to find a new company