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My name is Vania Awuah. I attend Regent University and I’m majoring in Industrial Organizational Psychology. I have my bachelors in Psychology. I am currently looking for jobs in my field such as consultant or human capital jobs. I have about 1-2 years in Human Resources but it is hard for jobs to accept me with my field. I let Regent University career service help me with my resume but I haven’t been able to find a job or get any job offers. Is there’s any advice or anything I can do? Regent University @
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IB hours vs FDD in Big 4, which is worse?
Has anyone left fdd to PE ops?
( Not back office)
Did PWC FDD folks get a spot bonus today?
In terms of IB, FDD laterals almost always go to MM, with some making the jump to BB. Going to a BB from a MM FDD firm will be extremely difficult and you’d probably have a leg up if you were at a Big 4 firm but if you’re good with going MM than it doesn’t matter. You’ll honestly get more deal volume at a MM firm which may be more valuable to IB firms.
Agreed shouldn’t matter in FP&A. Corporate dev, I think they’ll be more interested in the amount of experience you have for their specific industry