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Oh man 😅 can you start asking how her day was in the context of ‘what was the best part of your day’ so hopefully she subconsciously knows to choose less things to talk about?
I like it. I will try tonight and report back.
Trust me she’ll reduce it over time when the novelty wears off, but let her be excited! It’s so sad telling someone you don’t want to hear about what they’re excited and passionate about. I get it can get annoying, but it’ll deffo hurt her feelings! She’s telling you cuz you’re her person, it’s sweet
I used to do that when I first started because it was so exciting *to me*. My partner quickly told me they didn’t care to hear every day lol, haven’t done it since. Obviously be kind but maybe suggest hearing a daily recap isn’t as interesting for you and see how she takes it
This. Sometimes you just gotta be honest although gentle. My bf didn’t tell me that he wasn’t interested, just that I didn’t need to go into details.
Maybe ask her what part of the day she needs to decompress on? Part of it might be excitement and part of it might be a therapeutic review of how things work are supposed to work in a new setting. In other words, your full attention may not be needed. She might just be using your reactions as a guidepost for whether things are within the range of what’s normal.
Time to get a new gf
Had a roommate like this except it was in the form of bitching
Awww. I’m giggling reading OP.
No idea what age range you’re in. But I do admit, as a woman, I will tell my SO every detail of my day, the flavor of gum I chewed, the flavor I WISH I bought, vent about how my suede YSL heels got ruined in a sidewalk puddle outside Starbucks, and still ask him if an outfit makes me look fat. And that’s just the PREFACE to how my work day was.
He does a wonderful job of pretending to listen and then saying, “that’s good babe. Proud of you” while scrolling through Netflix.
And I do the same for him when he goes on for 30 minutes about some fishing trip he went on with the boys. I act really impressed like I care about some 5 foot 10 foot whatever sailfish. But I tell him “babe thats awesome” and then he continues off to the frige.
So I guess for us there’s reciprocity. And then we ended up marrying each other so I guess it works out 😬
In all seriousness, the 2 hour talks are only a problem if you don’t really want to be with the other person. It’s not an issue of being genuinely interested. It’s whether there’s a mutual desire to be “there” for each other