I’ve been on the bench with J1 for about 3 months. I was worried that because I couldn’t find another project, I would get laid off so I found J2, which pays more, is very meeting heavy, but I really like. I’ve kept J1 because I’m still on the bench doing absolutely nothing and getting paid. Thinking about looking for a role on a project with J1 that’s not along my career path but will allow for me to do work with no calls so that I can manage both jobs. Does anyone have experience or advice?
They're not in any way mutually exclusive, nor do we need to compare levels of bad. You can work on reducing bad stuff of all kinds simultaneously.
Coca Cola kills more people than both of those combined.
And Pepsi saves more lives than all three combined
I think they are a little different. Guns are made to kill other people while cigarettes are made for people to kill themselves
So you’re saying people don’t kill themselves with guns?
Cigarettes aren’t designed to kill other people but second-hand smoke doe..... haha
True. So you think we should outlaw cigarettes?
Never. Hahaha
Does Leo burnett still get a lot of money from souza cruz?
Of course they do! But guns are not designed to do that
Cigarettes don’t shoot bullets