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One of my biggest fears is that I’ll be like my CDs
Zuck on Capitol Hill anyone else watching this?
I wish I worked in the PC era (pre-cell phone).
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^ Advertising in a nutshell... this is too perfect:
- An ECD who thinks his trite idea is so momentous that it should – nay, it must – be followed by a double line break
- A Sr. Copywriter who actually does creative work, and therefore has actual advice
- An ACD who adds nothing of value to the discussion, but makes sure to kiss the ECD’s ass
Walk away.
Creativity happens when you’re not paying attention. Immersive yourself in things that are tangential. Focus on collecting “data” inputs - inspiration, things of interest to you. Let your subconscious solve the problem.
@Copywriter you seem fun
Journal with a real pen and notebook. You think it sounds lame but you’ll find it hard as hell for a while
@ECD this is the right answer
CW1 that’s also management 101.
Hire smart people, inspire them at a high level, and let them
It’s also how I run a successful agency.
I must be doing something
I have a collection of advertising books, old and new. Just flipping through them and reverse engineering old campaigns always gets the creative juices flowing for me.
Yes to the ad books. Also just remembering that very little is new. See something cool from another brand in a different category? How can you change it up and make it work for your client?
Sometimes I just go sit somewhere alone with no computer and eventually I’m bored enough to be creative. Agree on the research, too. But sometimes your brain just needs to be desperate enough to work.
Take a walk
Watch a movie
Get drunk
Go to an art show
Preferably not all at the same time
@op, I find walking away from the situation usually never helps. My anxiety grows stronger. If you haven’t already, check out ‘Lateral Thinking’ by Edward DeBono. He covers the topic thoroughly.
Sometimes you just have to throw shit at the wall to see what sticks.
What ad books do you all recommend for thumbing through to get inspired?