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Tell them you want to receive the required training so your acknowledged hard work can be more efficient. You are young - double down on work ethic and excel on the next assignment - backup job as McD cashier was outsourced to an iPad so make this one work
Key is not to argue / be defensive - you clearly are - openly accept information and focus on how to do better in their eyes - perhaps communicate (ask SOB manager next time if there are other tasks to complete to eliminate this feedback next time)
Translation: we didn't have anyone better to do the job, but since you blew the budget we are covering our asses by blaming you.
People like to spare your feelings and usually aren't as honest as they should be until mid year and end of year reviews. I may seem like a jerk being critical during the process, but there are never any surprises in anyone's review. I'm always harsher in person than what I document.
Being the most self-critical person I know, I am devastated and upset and surprised to hear this feedback and lost all the motivation. And I totally don't agree with the points hey have, which I communicated. Don't know what to do
Dude, get expectations in writing. Make it clear what you have and don't have background for, and when you get reviewed next time whip out that documented list. If this keeps happening, get off this project and go elsewhere. May take some politicking but you can't stay on an assignment designed to fail.
I think the majority of us have received less than desirable feedback. Welcome to big 4
EY likes to use the phrase "own your career" ... So blame yourself if you did not meet the expectations of your managers regardless of whether they communicated the expectations. And if they changed their minds of what they expected from you, it is your responsibility to figure that out in advance.
OP. Sometimes managers are two faced scumbags. Your feedback doesn't make sense... "we understand you lacked the necessary trainings, but anyways you suck!" Either they need to grow a pair and give you honest feedback or they have it out for you... and needed to make up BS to have it stick.
I disagree, as I did every procedure we agreed on and we discussed beforehand. And when reviewing the file the question was why didn't we do this other procedure? And all the work done was agreed with manager
Obviously you didn't meet their expectations while performing the work.. Doesn't mean you didn't do something, just means it could've been done better
PWC great point.
Did you know beforehand what their expectations were? That's important to know before hand. Also ask about your progress throughout the project to make sure you are meeting expectations. Thus could help next time
As you will continue to see, life isn't always fair, especially in public accounting. Get clear picture of their expectations and even though it may be overkill, check in with your supervisors every week on your perfomance. Shit like this always happens and as they say, shit rolls down hill so the fact that you were put on a job without the proper training or guidance just means tough luck. If someone doesn't perform on a job, unfortunately it is that person'a fault (in the reviewer's eyes) - NO ONE will take the blame for your performance (even if they didn't provide you with proper guidance) which is exactly why you need to look out for number one - you - and avoid this situation in the future. Public accounting is one big shark tank, some people coast for a variety of reasons, others sink because of the cut throat nature of the job.
Haha I hope you're kidding ^ that's a bit extreme even for big 4
EY3 is the type of reviewer you want. Some are not so considerate
I stand by what I said earlier about this being budget related. The partner/manager blew thru the budget and the honest answer, when prompted by their boss, of why is that the senior didn't really know what they were doing. This is a business, not a charity, so they can't say that the senior tried really hard and make it go away. If I were you, I would probably be pissed, but you should decide a) I work with assholes who set me up for failure and I need to get out of here before they do it again, or b) They are right, I didn't meet expectations and I need to power down and learn all this shit for next year. Personally, I'd go for option B.
How can you not agree with them? It sounds like you tried but you're just not meeting expectations how can you disagree
First try to think of what you could have done better and acknowledge those short comings to help move.past then tell them the truth that if they believe you are under performing it's a direct result of their poor management.
And they should think about what they can do better to help you meet or exceed expectations.
What's the worse that can happen?
The worse thing is getting feedback that you performed poorly or.not up to participate at the end. Try to know during the process so you can improve.
EY 1, I constantly asked for feedback during the past two months what can I do better, and was hearing that I was doing great job.