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Hi fishes,
I have offer from Renault Nissan, CTS and Fujitsu. Currently I am looking for a company where I could maintain work life balance since I have health issues. Could you suggest me a company where I can maintain work life balance? Even it is not listed above also, its fine. I will crack the interview.
Please help me to choose.
@Cognizant Renault nissan technology and business center india
Outside of a short-term crisis, any agency making you check in at 10pm daily is indefensible. Leave.
Have a conversation with your manager about potential solves and if nothing changes, explore your options. Sometimes it just isn’t a fit. But at least do the due diligence of having a discussion, you might be surprised.
Leave and while looking log off at 530pm, theres always going to be more work anyway so why bother logging on at 10pm
I do pharma PR and it’s nothing like this. Agree with talking to your manager. Maybe you can rotate the evening duties or take time off during the day to make up for it or at least set a timeframe for when you could transition to another account (surely they can’t ALL be like this?). I’m so sorry. Do what you have to do to take care of yourself even if that means leaving after a short time.
Speak to manager but look for something else in the meantime. I don’t think it’s a red flag to bounce quickly from a job as long as it’s not a pattern. When prospective new employers ask you you can explain why you’re leaving so soon, but it will be to be carefully put so it’s clear you gave your current company an opportunity to address the issue, and that the demands were clearly unrealistic. What you don’t want is an interviewer misunderstanding and thinking you don’t want to work hard.
Agree with others that you should speak with your manager. If that doesn't work and you're at a small firm, consider speaking with a principal or someone at an executive level. Sometimes managers really only have 3+ years experience and don't realize that their "asks" are inappropriate.
I know how you feel and I’ve been in that situation. I decided to quit after 6 months since I don’t see the situation is going to improve and I’m totally burned out. Turns out my boss quit 2 weeks after me.
Also my title is out of date, I’m an Account Supervisor. Not sure why fishbowl has the old one
If you enjoy Pharma I suggest looking at creative agencies! Pharma PR is generally long hours and lacks strategy.
Dude! I’m, like, RIGHT HERE!!
I don’t having to log in at 10 pm for reports
Why are you the one signing on? Is the problem with the team too that you could get better help?
Is logging on at night a long-term thing, or is it time-limited, e.g., you’re media monitoring during a crisis? Sadly 55-60 hours was not uncommon when I was at a large agency doing pharma PR but that tended to ebb a little depending on what projects we worked on. I think the nature of agency work is sometimes you’re going to be pulling the late nights and long weeks, unfortunately - seems to be the nature of the beast.
It’s media monitoring which wasn’t what I interviewed for. Like, I get it, but I came here to work on internal coms and stakeholder engagement — which I am doing on my other accounts and love. But the acct that has me working crazy hours is all monitoring and I despise it lol