$GME is actually a buy at $50 based on ecommerce sales alone. Annualize Q3 for 1.2 billion ecommerce revenue. Throw a fair price to sales ratio of 5 and you hit 6 billion market cap. Their ecommerce is growing at over 100% BEFORE PS5 and XBOX X released. They are trying to turn their stores into PC bang-esque locations. I'm not a memer or atlas group pumper. Other positions: CVX, INTC, T, QSR, MO, TWTR, FB, BABA to give a sense of my style. Begin entering position before Q4 earnings.
“You’re in the top 25% of 118 applicants!”
Thanks, LinkedIn ⬅️✊🏼➡️
Strangely enough, I did get an interview off of an Indeed ad, at a place in a small town, months after I'd applied. ... the interview was embarrassing because my skills were SO NOT a match, lol.
👍 In deed.
I was contacted from an ad agency via LinkedIn, even though I wasn’t even searching. I rejected 3 offers before I finally receive the one I couldn’t refuse. Yes, LinkedIn works. At least for me it did.
@CCO — Op is referring to LinkedIn job posts. Not recruiters head hunting via LinkedIn, which is how he/she found you
Your title puts you above having to deal with this algorithmic bs.