Feeling so down. I have friends but a next to nothing social life, I’m sitting at home on a Friday night doing nothing for maybe the 7th week in a row. All my friends are in relationships so they’re content with staying in and watching movies or playing board games but I hate that but don’t want to go out alone. I work so hard all week hoping to have a fun weekend and blow off steam but I always end up alone

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Find some hobbies/activities to sign up for, hopefully you can meet more active people that also enjoy going out


At least you have friends


Where are you based at

Same! I'm in DMV area. I can use some new friends

Where are you located

Post in the DC bowl, looking for outgoing, social, club-friendly people ? With your age and stuff

Find any cool coworkers, pick up some group hobbies that are cool (workouts, sports leagues, etc). Making friends is tough :/

You’ll be okay though, just takes time

Feel the same since covid started ..

Feeling you man

Honestly, welcome to adulthood.

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What is your relationship with your parents like?


When something makes you angry or upset, do you sometimes have violent thoughts?


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