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How do you make friends in your 30s?
Those who scored 730+, how long did you prep?
Any good book recos?
Havas NY benefits?
I'm in my 30s and finally just had to say fuck it. Not going to not live my life for advertising. I'm know it's going to take a toll, but it's just work.
Honestly I don't want to work anywhere where having kids stops my progression. And what CW 1 said-- not living my life for Advertising ✌🏼😑✌🏼
I know it feels impossible, but your life magically prioritizes and it all works out. At some point with young kids at home, You'll also be okay with saying "no" and will better manage your bandwidth.
How pregnant are you? Do you need a ride?
I chose not to have kids, but it was because I never felt the calling to be a mom. However, I have seen many women be successful in their career and have kids at the same time. It's tough, but doable.
You can't live in the future. If now you are single and love what you do give it your all, eventually when a partner or kids happen if they become your priority you adjust and learn to manage, it always somehow works out. It really helps have a good parter, I'm in production, over 40, married, with 2 kids under 5 and life is good.
First, may want to dust off the book "Lean In" you don't really have to worry about this yet. Second, it's all what you make it. I've seen so many bad ass Mamas do it well. You need a great partner and great childcare that can flex to your travel schedule. I've also seen people who just believe they "can't" and they gave up a lot because of their limiting beliefs. It all works out. You learn to delegate some, be way more efficient at work and set boundaries. I should have done that years ago. I am more senior and more balanced with kids than ever before.