Any solutions for back pain? In the middle of my second trimester, and my back has been aching, especially when I need to travel for work or have a lot of activities to do (reorganizing, grocery shopping, etc.).
I sleep with a pregnancy pillow, but was wondering if any pregnant mamas have some recommendations for pain during the day.
I don’t think there are any specific questions I recommend asking, but I wish I’d have gone into the process more realistic about things. It’s a long process. Dont get caught up in reading books and online forums, some things can be gimmicky and lots of “research based on nothing”. Eating that pineapple core while doing a headstand on day 21 of your cycle won’t really help you conceive faster! Lol Trust your doctor and settle in for a marathon (not a sprint).
I found that everything was very much “hurry up and wait”. We had our initial testing done over 2 months time. Most all of the testing has to be completed on a certain day of your cycle. Between testing and IUI start we waited 4 months for various reasons (insurance approvals, my own body clock, and a good baseline set of follicles) before we could start. Just take everything a day at a time and be realistic. There WILL be set backs. You’ll miss a cycle because insurance approved you 3 days late, you had a cyst on your baseline and they made you trigger and restart the cycle… etc. just keep going and stay as positive as you can!
Thank you. Really appreciate this as I definitely had a mindset of we will go see a doctor and it will all work out just fine. But already found an issue during first consultation so know it’s going to be a long road ahead.
You’re RE will want to start with tests…all have to be completed on specific days of your cycle. And they’ll test your partner. So don’t be too disappointed when they say you can’t do the IUI right away.
After the tests are complete, your doctor will be able to make a recommendation on the best path for you. It’s a long journey and can get frustrating; my best advice is to take it one day at a time. Good luck!!
Thank you. I had a feeling I was being overly optimistic that it could all happen in a snap.