Grew up with pot heads for besties but didn't smoke because it smelled foul and I still don't like it, makes me stomach turn. Have smoked maybe 3-4 times in my life, one of which was with my friends who was an expat in Amsterdam. One hit from whatever that was... One hit! And I was STONED stiff for about 30min. Could not move arms or face, could not speak. Mind clear as morning dew. Friend freaking out, asking if I'm OK. Me staring at him motionless, laughing mentally. He was sooo worried. Hahaha! Hadn't thought about that in years. He remembers it to this day. Don't give me weed, people!
15. High school. Essentially everyday smoker ever since. Pre work, the occassional lunch break, etc. Highly functional never impacted work. Then last year I lost my connection. Haven't toked in 9 months.
First time I smoked I was 21 on a balcony in Prague.
First time I had edibles I was 23 on a date with my relatively new, but still current boyfriend, and had to leave the restaurant early because I was singing mattress store jingles.
Haven't smoked, but edibles at 34 at my apartment's pool. I'm with Director 1 though - gives me paranoia and anxiety so it's not a fun ride. Tried a few times after the first and the result was always the same so I stick to booze.
15, parking lot at a public park, laughed hysterically for about an hour straight. Good times.
16 and it changed my life. For the good.
Not yet / nowhere
FCB, you're right. I might've been when I was younger. But I had an epiphany while tripping on acid and never really smoked the stuff again.
Sophomore year of college. Smoke every day for 7-8 years after that. Then quit because all you assholes were plotting to stab me.
Don't remember. Smoked too much pot.
Surprised to see two others who have never done it as well.
^At 45 you should know this joke is played.
Grew up with pot heads for besties but didn't smoke because it smelled foul and I still don't like it, makes me stomach turn. Have smoked maybe 3-4 times in my life, one of which was with my friends who was an expat in Amsterdam. One hit from whatever that was... One hit! And I was STONED stiff for about 30min. Could not move arms or face, could not speak. Mind clear as morning dew. Friend freaking out, asking if I'm OK. Me staring at him motionless, laughing mentally. He was sooo worried. Hahaha! Hadn't thought about that in years. He remembers it to this day. Don't give me weed, people!
22 with my couch surfing hosts in New Haven before heading to a Mates of State concert.
TBH I have only done it ~a dozen times since. Does NOT mix well with my brain chemistry (anxiety, paranoia, memory gaps)
16, in the woods with my friends
15. High school. Essentially everyday smoker ever since. Pre work, the occassional lunch break, etc. Highly functional never impacted work. Then last year I lost my connection. Haven't toked in 9 months.
@director2 brought a tear to my eye
^Was that this year?
Same as 👆🏽
High school parking lot. Found the weed my dad confiscated from my brother and snatched it.
14, in a basement, hiding in a litter box.
Not everyone in advertising is a damned hophead, Copywriter 1.
First time I smoked I was 21 on a balcony in Prague.
First time I had edibles I was 23 on a date with my relatively new, but still current boyfriend, and had to leave the restaurant early because I was singing mattress store jingles.
Haven't smoked, but edibles at 34 at my apartment's pool. I'm with Director 1 though - gives me paranoia and anxiety so it's not a fun ride. Tried a few times after the first and the result was always the same so I stick to booze.