Fish who got married young… what age and what made you feel ready? And do you regret it?

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Started dating at 13, married at 19, celebrated 41 year wedding anniversary in March. Waited 5 years to have kids. No regrets, just thankful we grew together as we grew up rather than apart. He is 3 years older than me.


FA1 Thanks!

Currently 26, male, not married or dating any one person, living in a major city. No pets. Free as I have ever been. I say take your time


Wells Fargo 1 bruv I'm going about my business. Trust me, shit is not boring.

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25…. And today is our 37th anniversary….❤️❤️❤️


Happy Anniversary! 🍾


My wedding is in 6 months and today is my 23rd birthday. I decided that if I didn’t marry my fiancé, I would spend the rest of my life looking for someone just like her. Once I realized that, there was no reason to wait.


I started dating my husband in high school, we went to separate Universities, dated the whole time but gave ourselves space to mature and develop our own identities. We married when we were 23 and 24 years old in 2005 and I couldn’t imagine doing life with anyone else. We had our only child in 2010. After spending 5 years dating over a distance, living together and getting married was the easy part! The ‘secret’ to marriage, in my opinion, is communication. Make your home the escape from the challenges of the world. Work through problems together…finances, fertility, career struggles.

Cheers to a happy life.


I think marriage in this day and age is very different from when our parents got married. My parents were married for 63 years, but they came from a make do and mend generation. This day and age its very much if its broken throw it away and get a new one. I was married for 23 years, yes things were tough but you got to break some eggs to make an omelette. After the 2nd time she asked me for a divorce i gave in. You can't fix a broken marriage if only 1 side is interested in fixing it. Yes i have regrets but i have 3 wonderful kids and it wasn't always bad.


“The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise….They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.” — Socrates, 470 BC

😹 SM1


Married at 23 because I was raised in conservative Christian culture. Even though we are still together, I regret getting married because I felt like I had to.


Same story as A3 except we were 22 👀 going strong 8 yrs later but I would've waited if I felt like we could've

Male and now 40. Got married at 38; got a dog at 30. Lived a single life in SF before moving to Nyc at 37. Don’t regret the timing. If at all, I wish I got married around 35 but don’t regret getting married. My view is timing is not as important as getting married to the right person for the right reasons.


@SC1 What decade did you crawl out of? It’s not that deep, some women just haven’t found the right one. There’s no magical formula to make the right person appear for you at the right time.


For reference I’m 25 and mind blown that people my age are married - I’ve definitely got a good number of years before I’d even think about being ready


I graduated engineering school at 22, started a full time job at one of the big 3, and got engaged in one week. Got married one year later at 23, and had my first a few weeks after I turned 24. I now have 3 kids, my oldest just got accepted into med school, married 22 years, was director of engineering but now in a sales role, and honestly very very happy. My life is better than how I had ever imagined/dreamed it would be. So i guess
what I’m trying to say is don’t hold back or run away if you have the opportunity to get married or have kids at a young age. I loved being a young mom. I have friends my age that have kids in elementary school. They don’t have as much energy as I had at their age. Just my 2 cents


married at 24. divorced at 26. yea, i so regret.


27 for me, 23 for her - and we just knew. Don’t regret it though, like every relationship, it takes work. But that said, we have a wonderful life together. 3 beautiful kids, and fantastic house. More sex would be nice but who isn’t wishing for that!!!


This guy is someone’s boss


Married at 24 after dating for 6 years, celebrating 20 years together this fall. When you know you know!


Married at 25 and hitting 7 years end of month. Have two boys and do not regret even a bite - kids definitely changed up our life style but my wife and I got to know more about each other from raising our sons and that is golden.

When you consider marriage, don't try to time or calculate anything. Life is much more than that and there's not that much time to share love.


What made our decisions to get married.. at the time, at least, we thought we'd be happy just being together. All other goals in life seemed less important when we considered against getting married when we can.


Got married at 22 to my current wife. We have known each other since the 2nd grade. No idea what made me ready, all the alcohol in my system back then maybe lol. I do not regret it. I hope she doesn't either, but considering she told me I was still her best friend the other day, I think I'm good.


Start introducing her as your “first wife”


To offer a different view -
Married at 33. First kid at 38. Took my time because took long to meet the right person (as opposed to wanting to marry late). Took time to have kid until we felt we were ready for it. Might be a downside that we will be old by the time kid moves out and we get to rediscover life, but still no regrets. Point here being - don’t try and compare your age for life milestone. Do it if it feels right in your heart. Don’t let societal norms pressure you into something you are not ready for.


As the child of "older" parents (mom and dad were 32/35 when I was born and 37/40 when my sister was born) I loved it. My parents were wiser than they were in their 20s and very financially stable. Only downside is my dad grayed in his 50s and got called "grandpa" once or twice when out with my sister.


Enjoy marriage before having kids


This is great advice. You have identities as individuals, and as a married couple, and may eventually also have identities as parents. It’s best to cultivate the first two and make sure they’re rock solid before adding another.


Married at 18 after dating for 3 years. Divorced just shy of 21. Yes, I very much regretted it, especially since I gave up a National Merit Scholarship to put him through college.

My parents met when Mom was 13 and Dad was 15. They married when Mom was 17 and Dad was 19. They just celebrated their 59the anniversary. However, Mom hasn't ever been in a position to support herself and I think that has a lot to do with it.

I don't think people should marry before age 25 or so, as that's when the brain is pretty much grown.


Brain isn’t fully developed until 25, it’s just science EY1, get off your high horse and don’t embarrass us


I’m 25 - nowhere close to getting married and all these comments are getting me worried 😭😭


Don't rush. I married ar 28 and probably should have waited another 2 years. The right relationship is worth waiting for. Rushing leads to settling.


Best friend married at 22, divorced at 24. Take your time!


Married at 28. Im a bit weird and wanted my career more established before taking the plunge. But knew she was the one the first year of dating when I was 24


I would say this is normal. Especially for a woman to want a career established before marriage


Damn,y'all making me feel old. In 32 and dont even have a significant other, let alone married


You will be fine! Lots of life left to live. Enjoy each day to the fullest extent.


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