For all you young guns just getting started, here is a very very useful piece of advice. Just because you have rapport with someone does mean not they are your friend, or even rooting for you. Make your moves in silence, tell your ideas only to your boss’s boss and never undervalue sitting silently in a meeting.
Don’t even tell you boss’s boss your ideas lol. They’ll collaborate on that idea and call it theirs too. Best you can do is say it in a group meeting setting so that everyone knows where it originated
Pretty sound...feel like others are always leaning in trying to take advantage. It's a "get ahead" world anyways. I see where you're going with this.
Ehh..I understand too where he's going with this, but it's got to be a case by case scenario. Not everyone on earth is so self centered that they're trying to screw over their peers on a daily basis.
Subject Expert
Mostly agree with this, as in “trust no one” — never speak ill of the company/others in any written format. However, tell your ideas to whoever can sign off on implementing it — if you can get those people to speak positively of you, you can build a great reputation at work.
Building rapport is not making friends. It's funny how would someone think they are friends with someone they just met just because they have 5-10 minutes of conversation. And by the way, you don't have to tell that to your boss or definitely your boss's boss. That just not right.
I would maybe reword this for the career context - keep business separate. You know the old adage. There is no such thing as a "friend" in business.
Applies to personal lives too. Sometimes "friends" are really only in your life for what you can provide them
Draw a clear like between professional and personal.
Most definitely!! These people are not your friends they are your colleagues and keeping your relationship professional will only impress others with your inetegrty!! Never behave in your job like it’s your personal playground!! Familiarity breeds contempt!!
You got some point there, OP. But connections and networking are also important. I think the best you can do is to choose your friends carefully.
You cou)dn't have said this any better, OP. I always live by the saying "work hard in silence, let your success be your noise". Not everyone around you is rooting for you who secretly wish the worst for you. Know the people around you - the good and the ill-wishers.
Subject Expert
Wow. Y'all are jaded.
Blindly trusting seems like a good idea until it's really really not
I love this. Very solid advice. I honestly wish someone had taught me this sooner.
I'm with you on that. Never let anyone know your next move. Let your success do the talking for you. I've trusted too many people that I shouldn't have in the past and I've learned my lesson.
I’m very with this! Love it