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Why do I live in Gold Coast?

Totally get it! I’m South African and people in the US don’t even know it’s a country… I’ve decided not to get worked up by ignorance!😅
I agree! I’ve had highly “educated” people ask really ignorant questions which is even more sad!
Some of these comments. Y’all really love to show your asses with the whataboutism and it happens to everyone. Okay and?? But OP is sharing her own experience.
If you have nothing to add it’s okay to scroll. You won’t die.
I agree. I was so embarrassed when I saw someone ask an African colleague if they were from Wakanda (they thought it was a real country).
AA1 and MC1, thank you for making me laugh way too hard and for way too long just now 🤣😩.
If it makes you feel any better, I had an adult in NY ask me how long the drive was from Lagos, Nigeria to Manhattan. After a long pause, I told him I didn’t drive, I took the subway.
M1 - He didn't know Jamaica was part of Queens? omg I feel my soul stripping away from the ignorance I can't believe it
Story of my life. I am tired! I don’t care about your friend in Congo. Can you believe one time a client actually brought out her phone to show me her friend and ask if I knew him. In a country of 200million people. How on earth would I know some random man??
One time a man was trying to hit on me and followed me into the store to show me a picture of his Nigerian lawyer. Tf does that have to do with me??
Don’t even get me started on the times in Uni and Boarding school when people asked “why is your English so good”. I told them when the British took us hostage they made it mandatory.
ITL1, you’ve suffered and deserve to be compensated.
Rising Star
Nigeria? Isn’t that near Africa?
I know this is a joke, but do not try me today EM1 😂. I have heard worse questions asked in earnest.
As a Nigerian, I can’t tell you how many times, old White southern People have told me about their mission trips to Malawi 🤣🤣🤣
Why is it always Malawi too lmao
Would you rather choose to view this interactions as a sign of disrespect, because they are ignorant? Or as a sign of attempt to befriend, because they have grown up that way?
I have many friends from various cultures who have no idea that what they do not know is common knowledge.
We have a genuine lack of focus on the rest of the world here…but I genuinely feel like most people simply have not been exposed to enough diversity. Should you choose to view that as a failing instead of circumstance?
Thank you, PM1 and M2🤝. Spot on.
Rising Star
Trying to find common ground I guess
It depends where you are. I am an African living in the US and I have lots of friends in different African countries who reach out to me with questions about things that are happening in European countries presumably because in their minds, all "western countries' are the same.
Also, my wife is American, and travelling across different African countries, there are many people who would say similar things to her that you raised here. People would say, 'oh there is this 'muzungu' (white person) from UK, or Croatia who did this or that i.e. they would see the need to mention this because their assumption is since they are all white people, they either all know each other or there is no difference whether they are American, or UK or Croatian.
I had someone ask me once if knowing Chinese meant I could replace a local tour guide if they went on vacation to Asia. Not China. The entire continent of Asia.
💀💀💀 You should’ve said “Why yes, for a fee of course.”
I don't think some people understand just how disrespectful that is.
It's not disrespectful at all.
Because Americans have no idea how huge Africa is, or have any knowledge of its many diverse countries and cultures. Most will never visit the continent. I'm surprised (pleasantly) they don't make some joke to you about Nigerian princes or scammers.
True: I once went to a Waffle House in Owensboro, KY - because that's what a Californian does when visiting KY - and the waitress told me she had never been more than two hours drive away. She thought it was hilarious that I wanted to buy a Waffle House coffee mug.
Dude, this happens to everyone not just people from Africa. “I’m from “name us state.”” “Oh, do you know joe smith? He’s from there”
Very different.
I know a Nigerian prince. I loaned him some money but haven’t heard back since. Can you make the connection?
I tell you, the responses to my post have been both encouraging and a beautiful example of the daily frustrations that I am referencing. Everyone responding with anecdotes about state to state mix ups and city to city mix ups are still getting it very wrong 😭 and actually amplifying the bizarre and often subconscious idea that Africa is a country, a monolith, a homogenous place. We all have work to do: I can extend patience and so many people can do the work of educating themselves!
Conversation Starter
It’s so dumb. lol it’s either that or some disheveled anecdote of a distant friend of a friend they once knew that was from where you’re from. lol ☠️
Right?! 😭 It’s okay to not be able to relate.
As annoying as it may be, people are just trying to connect with you. Ignorant as they sound, that’s as close as they can get to your country so if you’d like to reciprocate their intent and make the connection in return, maybe ask them about where they have been near your country.
Good on you for the times you took it! I don’t react perfectly every time too hahaha let’s keep fighting the good fight!
I studied in France, in the World Top School in International Studies and Geopolitics. #1. Which educates future politicians, most presidents studied there. I was asked if I came from Africa on a little boat, or how I learned to actually speak well. I was asked how come as african we can study abroad, like that's a miracle.
I’m convinced they do this on purpose to try to knock you down. In this age of widespread information, they’re lying if they say they don’t know better. 🙄
It's racism and ignorance OP. Americans, hell most of the west, treats Africa like it's one country the size of Rhode island.
See also: when I tell people I'm Jamaican they immediately talk to me about their great trip to the Bahamas or Trinidad or something.
Inevitably Cool Runnings comes up.
Happens to everyone. Oh you’re from London? I’ve been to Europe.!You’re not special? you’re just a foreigner not in your home country lol
C2, I applaud/respect you for explaining. By that person’s response, didn’t think it worth it in the slightest to break it down as you have done. Hopefully your explanation is helpful to others who are actually open to understanding/learning!