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How do you break past a plateau?
My friends and I when we go out
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How do you break past a plateau?
Why does it need to be a formal breakup? Just stop talking to them or hanging out or whatever. Genuine question not attacking.
Do you just stop answering calls or replying to texts?
Could you slowly phase this person out? I’d wait until after Diwali and holidays.
Yes, slowly stop responding to messages or answering calls? And if they continue to ask, maybe then be honest but nice. It is tough but try to be kind because it is the holiday season now.
Did the same over the summer. Do it when it’s convenient for you, not her. Some friendships aren’t meant to be forever
I have had to do this quite a bit this year. Wait until after Diwali ends, and then let all that has been holding you back release!
There’s no better time than now or today. Break the news and get it over with.
Curious to know how you’re ending it. I’ve been trying to do this by gradually phasing out but other person doesn’t seem to get the hint.
Good god
Sounds like the relationship is really meaningful to them. I wonder if you can talk about the reasons you don’t want to be friends any more and give them an opportunity to talk about it or address it. Yes they might cry but going into a conversation like this gives them an opportunity to understand things. If this person is unstable I’m sure you don’t want something bad to happen as it sounds like you did care about them at some point. Be kind. And to answer your question, I’d do it during a neutral time of year.
That's what I'm thinking. I just feel like we're on different pages in life and feel like boundaries have been ignored countless times.
So I ended it and got backlash. Apparently I'm the bad guy for doing this and something is wrong with me...🤨
Sorry to hear that. Give it some time. I’m hoping all will be fine.