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Ist Headspace worth the bucks in your opinion?
Anyone else like to eat baby tomatoes? 🍅
Hitting the early morning yoga.
Ist Headspace worth the bucks in your opinion?
Anyone else like to eat baby tomatoes? 🍅
Hitting the early morning yoga.
Depends on what time you’re done with work and what time you go to sleep! I used to be done with work at 2:30 worked out right after and had no problems going to sleep around 9:30/10 sometimes earlier if I was tired
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Awesome good to know, thank you!
I block time mid-afternoon and stick to it
I get shafted in both directions w global timezones and finally was like “FINE, if I’m working early AND late, 2-3.30pm is mine!”
Game changer for me, good luck!
5am meetings? Time zone issue?
I’m assuming you work 5-2 [ish]? I’d definitely work out after work.
Can you workout after the meeting before the “normal” workday starts? If you have a gap from 6am-8am you could workout, stretch, shower, eat, etc
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Realistically no as I have almost nonstop meetings until about noon most days
The fact that working out wakes you up even if you do it in the afternoon is tough. I use to work manual labor/delivery shifts from 4am - 1pm (end time varied and was dependent on when I finished my deliveries), then I’d head straight to the gym and workout for an hour. That schedule worked well for me but I was very discipline on getting to bed by 8pm at the latest. What time do you usually got to sleep?
I usually eat through my lunch so I can take that hour and go workout.