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2 rentals. 24k gross, 7k net after mortgage, insurance, maintenance. I manage it myself.
Rentals. 30k a year net. Not very helpful without context is it :). Your question is very broad.
I don’t have any experience in it, but a recent conversation with a friend made me curious. All I knew is some people buy properties and flip it, or put it up for rent or invest in reit. Was curious what are some broad ideas a d which ones are worth getting deeper into.
Some specific Q’s for you, if you don’t mind answering - how many properties, where are they and what’s their value that gets you 30k net?
3 properties, 11% ROI
1 rental (my first home converted after 8 years). Net 700 per month before maintenance/repairs. It's been a bit of a money pit (new roof, gutters, chimney, more to come...) but it's a long term strategy. Would love to use its equity to get another rental and flip something eventually.