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Hi, can any one please refer me to PwC?
When did you move in with your SO?
Any good cards outside of CSR and AMEX Platinum?
Does Amazon have any tech team in Mumbai?
Hi, can any one please refer me to PwC?
If no calls are scheduled, anywhere from 9-10am. Not a morning person either.
Hi twin 👋
M1 here. I would start work earlier if I could stop earlier. Since that’s not the case, there’s nothing to be gained by starting earlier, only things to be lost (sleep, time to myself to unwind/engage in my hobbies at the end of a long day, time to catch up with family & friends in different time zones/abroad, etc.). Dying to know what the people saying, ex., 5am here are doing in the mornings! Just reading their times makes me feel tired 😆
5 minutes before my first meeting.
Lmao same
Rising Star
5 or 6 am.
My body refuses to cooperate, lol! I’m literally wide awake at 5!
I aim to get up at 7:45 and be online at 8, but if I’m working on a west coast project, I’ll wake up at 8:30 and be on by 9am
9:30 - 10:30 (currently on vacation)
5.30. Then go work out before work.
5:30 on gym dates, 7 other days. What time do you wake up?
When I had to commute, around 7:45. Now I get up at 8:50 or 9:20 depending on my first meeting lol
Conversation Starter
What do you do for 4 hours before the work day starts?
10am or so depending on my first meeting
3:30am. Yes I know, absurd.
Oh wow that is so early lol. I can’t fall asleep until midnight no matter how exhausted I am
I wake up around 9, give or take 30 mins. I schedule planning and client meetings after 10.