For those who took time off (e.g. leave or extended time off) to take care of your mental health, how did you spend that time? What helped? What didn't? How long did you take time off for? Did you notice you got better when you came back to work?

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I was working with a therapist prior to going on my sabbatical and started meds 2 weeks before starting my break.

Things that helped:
1) Having a routine. I woke up at 7.30 AM every morning, dragged myself out of bed and took a shower.
2) Started a strength training routine
3) Started tracking nutrition in MyFitnessPal
4) Started taking whole food multi vitamins and beef organ supplements (testicles - yes you read that right, heart, liver and bone marrow)
5) Read 3 books that helped me immensely Forgive for good, Book of Joy, Beginners guide to Stoicism.

I struggle with building relationships, that is something I couldn’t make much progress on, but is on my to do list.

My advice to you - treat this as an investment and be disciplined in your approach. I know people who spend this time watching Netflix, eating ice cream and sleeping. It’s hard, but you need to fight that urge and have a plan in place.

Best of luck!


Close to 2 months and came back in a better mental state (although not fully recovered). I treated my leave as a project with clear goals to achieve by the end of it, and had weekly check ins to track my progress. I did not treat it like PTO (for example avoided some social gatherings that didn’t make me feel good, slept early, ate clean)

- 2x therapy a week
- Daily journal
- Daily physical activity
- Daily call to family
- 8 hours of sleep
- Daily meditation


Extra therapy, time outside, time with religious leaders I used as additional therapy, vacation, reading. Tried to stay away from TV and social media


I went to rehab for alcoholism. Was much better when I came back.


Same as everyone said. Build a daily routine. Also, keep in mind it is a process. So even if you couldn’t stick to the routine one or two days, don’t be hard on yourself. Just take one day at a time.


I did an Intensive Outpatient Therapy program (look up “IOP”) which was immensely helpful. It can be tailored to your schedule for the most part but I did 3-4 days/week for half a day. Its like therapy on steroids.


Took a wellness trip, did therapy, got active and deleted my Twitter app. Best of luck again!


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