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Tata Consultancy Tech Mahindra Currently i am working with Tata consultancy and serving last month of notice period, about to join Tech Mahindra next month as a Project Manager (P1)
I don't know why i am getting 2nd thought and doubt to leave TCS and join TechM.
Can anyone please help and clarify my doubts. Is it a good decision to leave TCS and Join TechM at this moment.
Job security is main concern 😟
Year of Experience - 14
Currentl Salary- 28 lacs
Future Salary- 40 lacs
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Are there FP&A roles in PE firms?
I’m glad I made the jump, but I wasn’t happy at the first PE firm I worked at. Particularly in the middle market, there is huge variation in quality of culture / people / work-life and it can be difficult to get a good read on that from the outside in, particularly when you’re new to a demanding industry
Generally happy with the switch now that I’m a few years in. My first year SUCKED getting up the learning curve / felt like I was drowning all the time in stress, but glad I stuck with it.
Biggest pros: getting the chance to meet tons of management teams to learn about their business, seeing my portfolio company work pay off, much better pay (though this varies wildly and def some funds out there that don’t pay more than BCG in long run)
Biggest con: MBB/T2 consulting firms have much better culture on average. Also more stressful at times (e.g., when closing a deal)
Pros: lot higher pay, I think people are smarter, lot more accountability/ownership over work, is cool to be 3 years out of college and have relationship with CEOs of $xB companies as your portco (relationships only senior partners at mck normally have)
Downsides: huge unpredictability in lifestyle. Weekends and holidays constantly blown up when live deals are being chased. Lot more pressure and stress I’ve found than consulting. Not easy to climb the ranks (vs. consulting at least)